I realize that it has been a very long time since I have posted. I apologize, and I do have lots to report. For now, though, I am just going to throw up some pictures of Henry on his 3rd Halloween! This year, my mom and I made his costume - a little wizard. And when I say "my mom and I" made the costume, I mean that she let me hold the scissors when she wasn't using them. Henry attended a Halloween festival on Saturday at his school. He went on a scary wagon ride, decorated his own cookie and danced to some live music. On Sunday, we went Trick or Treating in the neighborhood. He was a little hesitant at first, but soon, out of nowhere, we ran into a giant mob of costumed kids and their parents. It was like Brigadoon - The Halloween Special. Kids of all ages appeared - we had never seen that many people outside in our neighborhood at one time. Henry barely recognized 1 or 2 of the kids, but that didn't stop him. He immediately and happily joined the gang and started running up to houses and following their lead. He was laughing and having a wonderful time. Now, every time we are outside in our neighborhood, he looks around forlornly and says, "Where did all the people go?"
He looks so sweet! Very impressive costume--and in fact, this sounds like a pretty comprehensive Halloween experience for Henry. Nice work!