Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Artist Currently Known As The Prince Who Lives In The Castle

When we got in the car this morning, the song "Landslide" was on the radio. After a few seconds, Henry said, "Mommy, this song is too sad. Please listen to a happy song."

"Like what?" I asked. He said, "Like the red car song! The one that man sings. The Prince who lives in the castle."

Translation: Little Red Corvette by Prince.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sweet peas

Charlie is starting to try baby food. He really enjoys rice cereal, bananas, and sweet potatoes. Here is Charlie's first experience with peas.

What's this? Another new food? Peas, you say? I'm curious.

What?! Yuck - what are you doing to me?

What's this? Another new food? Peas, you say? I'm curious.

Blech! You did it again. Curse you, Woman!