It was simple, succinct, and sincere. "I like cheese" was Henry's first sentence. This statement was followed quickly with two supporting comments: "Dada like cheese. Mama like cheese." He led a coherent discussion about our family's enthusiasm for cheese. Until a week ago, Henry was using one word at a time. I noticed on Saturday that he started stringing two words together, mostly nouns and modifiers, such as "Dada truck. Bye-bye Dada. My Dada." All of his two-word phrases mostly had to do with his father. I think I got a vehement "Mama NO!" when I suggested a diaper change.
It was surprising when he announced that he liked cheese because it was the first time he had strung three words together, used the pronoun "I", and used the verb "like." In fact, it may have been the first time he used a verb ever. Although we are bursting with pride that our kid can speak in sentences (remember, he is our first - we unabashedly burst with pride and marvel at his every accomplishment), Mike was hesitant about my publishing that Henry's first sentence was about liking cheese. "And why not?!" I exclaimed. I love that his first sentence was about cheese. Cheese is very important to me and, apparently, to Henry.
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