Since the airport is ideal for people-watching, Henry had a great time. He also could show off his somewhat disconcertingly advanced social skills. For example, on both flights, when the flight attendants were stopped next to our seats while serving beverages, Henry leaned over and tugged on their skirts (literally!) to get their attention. They would look down, and there was Henry beaming up at them. Of course, this maneuver earned him lots of attention. The first time he did this, he had such a successful outcome that he tried it again on our next flight, and sure enough, Henry's skirt tugging rouse has a 100% success rate.
On our return flight to FL, not 15 minutes into the flight, mind you, Henry somehow charmed himself onto the lap of the kind woman sitting next to us. She must have held him for at least half of the flight. Occasionally, he would crawl back to me, but soon enough, he would be reaching for the nice lady and I was all but forgotten. He stayed awake during the entire return flight until the Captain said, "Flight attendants, Please prepare the cabin for final landing." Henry heard, "Henry, this is the Captain speaking. This would be a good time to fall soundly asleep since we are landing in 3 minutes. You should remain asleep until your parents get the luggage. I suggest you awaken from your nap, refreshed and full of energy, the moment you are strapped into the car."
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