We returned from our annual summer pilgrimage to the homeland last weekend. It has been busy, busy, busy this past week while we catch up with work, the laundry, the yard, the house, etc. It seems like I hardly have a moment to even transfer photos from our trip. Since the trip was nearly two weeks long and we saw so many people and places, I will just have to hit the highlights and I am breaking up the trip into the three main components: Madison, Mike's parents' house and my parents' house.
We began our journey in Madison, obviously a place that is very near and dear to our hearts. We were there for fewer than 24 hours, but we packed in as much as we could with an infant while we were there.
The highlights for Mike and myself:
A visit to McArdle
Catching up with good friends
A lovely afternoon break at the Memorial Terrace
New Glarus Spotted Cow and Leinenkugel's Original (Mike)
Fried cheese curds at the Blue Moon! (me)
Watching Henry play on the grass at the Capitol
The highlights for Henry:
Slamming the dresser drawers shut repeatedly in the hotel room
First taste of locally made Babcock ice cream
Stay tuned for Part 2: Mike's parents' house. Coming soon!