Monday, February 14, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes

Now that Henry's verbal skills are increasing at an exponential rate, his choice of words and tone are really starting to reflect his personality and demeanor. For example...

Henry loves band aids. He loves getting one on a boo-boo and then immediately ripping it right off and asking for another one. The other day he said to me, "If I have a boo-boo, then I get a band aid." I replied, "Yes, but you don't have a boo-boo, Henry, so there is no need for a band aid right now." He looked at me squarely in the eyes and clarified with a tone that suggested impatience and exasperation, "I said IF, Mommy."


Henry has a favorite song from school about finding worms, caterpillars, and spiders in one's food and then screaming "Ewww... yucky! Yucky!" He then laughs gleefully. The other night he was in the bath and starting improvising a song about finding a spider in his hair while he shampooing it. I happily jumped in for what I thought would be the chorus of the song, "A spider! Ewww... yucky! Yucky!" He then stopped singing, looked at me flatly and said, "Mommy, it's a joke."


And finally, Henry has begun to master the classic divide and conquer technique. The other day, Mike and Henry were going to the park, and Henry asked me if he could bring two cars with him to the park. I told him that I didn't think that was a good idea because he might lose his toys and then he would be sad and disappointed. Mike claims that he didn't hear this conversation because when Henry immediately went over to Mike and said, "Daddy, can I bring two cars to the park?" Mike said, "Sure!" Henry then returned to me at once with a triumphant tone and said, "Mommy, Daddy said I can bring two cars to the park." I smiled stiffly at Mike. Mike looked guilty. They left with two cars. They returned with one. Need I say more?

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