Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I hold it.

Now that Henry is talking more and more, he has developed his own way of expressing particular feelings. For example, Henry wants lots of things - balloons, school buses, firetrucks, cereal, and really anything that is brightly colored and shiny. Instead of loudly demanding these items (well, he does from time to time loudly demand these items, who am I kidding?), he has a unique approach. He offers to take those pesky treasures off of your hands, or off of their shelf, or off of the road, or off of store shelves and selflessly carry them himself.

While grocery shopping several weeks ago, Henry's eyes locked on a most amazing sight - a 3-tiered bright purple and green cake in the bakery display case. Our local grocery store conveniently positioned the bakery display case with cakes, donuts, cookies, chocolate dipped strawberries and other assorted deliciousnesses directly across from the produce section. So, while you at least pretend to shop for fresh fruit and vegetables with your child, they can be taunted by the fabulous baked goods. Oh, and just to really be evil, the bakery entices children over by offering them free cookies. This cake, though, was too much to resist for Henry. Not only was it the purplest cake I have ever seen, it was jungle themed so it was decorated with exotic animals and jeeps. Oh, and it was $80. And did I mention that it was 3-tiers high? Henry immediately started to point - and lean over the cart as if to will the cart over towards the cake display. To get from the produce section to the meat case of the store, one has to stroll in close proximity to the cake display case (really, the store designer thought of everything). I tried to distract him while we passed, but no luck. Henry looked at me, looked at the cake, and smiled sweetly. "Cake, Mama."
"Yes, I see the cake."
"I have cake?"
"No, sorry, we don't need the cake."
Long pause. Wheels are turning.
In a quiet voice, "I hold it. I hold cake."
Then, in a bright, friendly tone, with a big smile, as if he were doing me a HUGE favor, "Mama! I hold cake." Then, he gestured with his hands as if he were holding a cake. "I hold cake for you, Mama."
Yes, because the reason we weren't buying a large, $80, overly frosted, 3-tiered jungle cake for no special reason whatsoever, to be consumed by 3 people only, was because I couldn't be bothered to hold the cake myself.

1 comment:

  1. I am now thinking that it would be hilarious if I could indeed post a picture of the three of us with purple frosting smeared all over our faces while we devour a 3 story cake.
