Since we moved, we have been on the waiting list for the daycare center at M's work. This is a good center with an excellent reputation, which explains the absurdly long waiting list. We were informed about 2 months ago that the earliest H could enroll would be June 2011. Until then, we had something that resembled a childcare plan - H's wonderful babysitter would continue to come through August and then he would start at a neighborhood daycare full-time for a few months. When June 2011 rolled around, we would re-evaluate the situation and enroll Henry into the daycare at M's work. Although not a perfect plan, I anticipated having the whole summer to prepare for the transition into full-time daycare.
While M & I were in CA just a few weeks ago, we received notification that a last minute spot had opened up at the daycare at M's work - to start immediately. Oh, and we were given 24 hours to make up our minds! I had not even seen the facility yet. This message was met with mixed emotions. Yay - he got a spot at the well-regarded daycare located at M's work! Boo - he has to start immediately and we have very little time to consider our options! Mike convinced them to extend our decision deadline for a few days - at least until we returned to the state. They obliged, and as soon as we returned home from CA, we visited the facility. We brought Henry with us.
I immediately liked the place. And so did Henry. He was running around, awed by the trucks, stage, trains, puppets, books, fort, slide, kiln( yes, they even have their own kiln!). We met his teachers, and they pointed out the giant construction crane that could be seen outside the window. The kids had drawn pictures of the crane and had been reading stories about cranes and trucks. All in all, the place was nearly perfect. I was so relieved. I felt good about the place, but now we had to survive the lead up to his first day of school.
I dreaded the first day of school and kept wishing that it would be over - just rip off the band aid already! Because it all happened so suddenly, we had very little time to talk to Henry about this life changing event that was about to happen to him. He has been in daycare previously, and he did great there, but his last full-time day care experience was almost a year ago and I wasn't sure if he would remember.
M & I were so anxious and jittery that we didn't sleep the night before the first day of school (just like old times...). The next morning, I am sure Henry was a little perplexed by the chipper yet self-contradictory tone of conversation. "Morning Henry!!! Today is a big day! But not that big - don't worry. Not that there is anything to worry about. Why would anyone be worried? But if you do, that is ok. But you won't. You will be fine. Not that you need to reassured. It will be fun. Time will fly by. But that implies that you want time to go by quickly. You won't - you will want to savor the day. Because you will be having fun. And mommy and daddy will pick you up at the end of the day." No wonder the kid practically leaped out of the car when we pulled up to the school.
Update - its been a few weeks into the "school" year now. Henry has adjusted well. I will admit that not every morning drop off went as smoothly as the first day. He has shed a couple of tears. This week, however, he is cheerfully waving "bye-bye" when I leave. When M picks him up, Henry is in no hurry to leave. Henry loves the food at the school and he is called the "water boy" because he reminds everyone to take their water bottles with them during outdoor playtime. He is also learning many new words and can drink from an open cup (versus a closed, sippy cup).
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