Henry was strapped into this device for his follow-up chest x-ray (which was completely clear, by the way). The radiology technician prepared me: Ok, ma'm, don't be alarmed but we are going to put your son into a device that will help hold him still for the x-ray. It looks scary, but don't worry, it doesn't hurt.
I was shocked when they wheeled in a contraption made from plexiglass, leather straps, and a plywood base. It looked like it had been made in some guy's basement. Henry being Henry was, of course, absolutely delighted to be smashed in between two shields with his arms pinned above his head. His little body pressed up against the clear plastic made it look like he had been shoved into a tube. Seriously, though, nothing bothers this kid. He just smiled when they adjusted the strap to a tighter fit. The technicians were stunned by Henry's calm acceptance of having been locked into torture device.
I was torn between my maternal instincts to protect my baby and demand his immediate release and an overwhelming sense of regret of not having my camera.
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