Since we live far from most everyone we know, I decided to start a blog as a way to share updates, anecdotes, pictures, and videos about Henry and, occasionally, a note or two about us.
Henry had his 4 month check up yesterday. Before receiving his 3 shots, he made a new friend in the waiting room named Zachary. Zach is the same age as Henry so it helped H. to know that he wasn't going through this alone. He took the vaccinations like a champ. Cried only for about 30 seconds, and I noticed that the crying actually
began before the first injection. He must have sensed the tension in the room.
Henry is now in the 60% percentile for height and weight (15 lbs and 5 oz), which means his is proportional and his growth rate is increasing. At his 2 month app, H was in the 25% percentile for weight and height. He has a big head - his head circumference is in the 75% percentile. The doctor made several remarks regarding H's sizable noggin. The doctor specifically asked from whom Henry inherited his large forehead. I answered honestly. I think it was my side of the family (you know who I am talking about).
The doctor made several comments about Henry being a very social baby. The doctor also wanted know which one of us is responsible for that characteristic. We both indicated each other; however, I think we all know that H's social nature is inherited from Mike. To be generous, Mike quickly added that H's smarts come from his mother. Well, I am not sure if that is really a compliment. I mean, Henry was chewing on his own hand at the time.
For security purposes, I will not use any last names or identifying info like addresses, specific job sites, etc. I have never blogged or done anything like this before so we will see how it goes. You can post comments and feedback without signing up, I believe. I'll try and update this site at least once a week.